zodiac signs | 3 Min. reading duration
Zodiac Sign Aries and Zodiac Sign Aquarius
Aries & Aquarius - An Original Couple
A very original couple gets together. Usually, fire signs are good with air signs. Unlike their earth sign and water sign counterparts, they are not as attached. They take a very unconventional approach to things in life. They follow less of a set plan. Above all, they are extremely freedom-loving creatures.
Especially the last characteristic is shared by the zodiac sign Aries as well as the zodiac sign Aquarius. There's nothing they love more than their independence. It does not require a routine. Their purpose in life rather is to discover new things. They have a deep correspondence that goes even further the closer you look at them.
There is no fear of loss between them
They want to have a relationship that preserves their individuality. They want to live out their love of adventure not only together, but also separately. Since they understand this, there is no fear of loss between them. No jealousy either.
It even binds them together. When they spend time together, it's definitely not just hanging out on their couch. Instead, they have a lively and lighthearted partnership. They love to laugh together. Due of their spontaneous streak, they will get into many awkward situations. But that's even better for them, because it give them funny anecdotes to tell in a cozy atmosphere.

The Aries Man and the Aquarius Woman
They Understand Each Other Blindly
Spontaneous, fun-loving and lighthearted, Aries men and Aquarius women often get together. It does not always have to be a long-term relationship, although it is very common. They harmonize just as well professionally or as friends. The reason is their numerous similarities. They understand each other blindly.
Their elementary basic needs, freedom and independence, are the same. They do lots of things together, but also separately with their own friends. The most important thing is that there should never be a routine. They always have a reason to laugh and push each to new actions.
For Them, Children are a Privilege
They support each other in tough times. They are tolerant in dealing with their weaknesses. They appreciate that neither the Aries man, nor the Aquarius woman are clingy. They are quick to agree when it comes to children.
They don't have to have children to avoid getting bored. They know how to design their twilight years. Children are a privilege for them, which they either have or not. Just as chance would have it. That is the most appealing thing for them, chance.
The Aries Woman and the Aquarius Man
Humorous and Unconventional
Lively is probably the most appropriate term for the relationship between fiery Aries women and adventurous Aquarius men. Humorous and unconventional, they are always on the lookout for the next adventure. The only constant is that they live out their freedom together. They hardly ever get jealous and naturally know how to allow each other their urge for independence.
Like Winning the Lottery
Aries women and Aquarius men have to search a long time to find a partner who is similar to them. This alone often leads them to fall into a relationship head over heels. They stay together for an unusually long time. Neither Aries women nor Aquarius men are known to commit in the long term. Ordinary partners suffocate them.
Their relationship is at eye level. They inspire each other. They are always tinkering with new plans like a vacation together or a new hobby. These experiences provide bind them together and creates the potential for marriage. In most cases, the very thought of marriage causes panic in both of them. But in this particular case, they won the lottery with their partner.
- Profession & Career
- Love & Partnership
- The Aquarius Man
- The Aquarius Woman
- Aquarius Constellation
- Aquarius & Aquarius
- Aquarius & Pisces
- Aquarius & Aries
- Aquarius & Taurus
- Aquarius & Gemini
- Aquarius & Cancer
- Aquarius & Leo
- Aquarius & Virgo
- Aquarius & Libra
- Aquarius & Scorpio
- Aquarius & Sagittarius
- Aquarius & Capricorn
everything about the Aries
- Profession & Career
- Love & Partnership
- The Aries Man
- The Aries Woman
- Aries Constellation
The Partners of Aries
- Aries & Aquarius
- Aries & Pisces
- Aries & Aries
- Aries & Taurus
- Aries & Gemini
- Aries & Cancer
- Aries & Leo
- Aries & Virgo
- Aries & Libra
- Aries & Scorpio
- Aries & Sagittarius
- Aries & Capricorn
- Zodiac Sign Aquarius
- Zodiac Sign Pisces
- Zodiac Sign Aries
- Zodiac Sign Taurus
- Zodiac Sign Gemini
- Zodiac Sign Cancer
- Zodiac Sign Leo
- Zodiac Sign Virgo
- Zodiac Sign Libra
- Zodiac Sign Scorpio
- Zodiac Sign Sagittarius
- Zodiac Sign Capricorn