Zodiac signs | 3 Min. Reading duration
The Cancer Man
June 22nd to July 22nd
A Soulful Romantic
The Cancer man is anything but a macho: the soulful romantic likes sunsets and fetches the stars from the sky for his love. He has many feminine parts, which make him very sensitive and gentle; more of a teddy bear than a heartbreaker, he knows how to impress with his qualities.
Interested parties don’t need to hope for him to make the first move, when getting to know him, he is very reserved. If he takes the initiative, then only with a friendly invitation from his counterpart, and even then, he's not sure if he should kiss his date or if a warm hug will do.
The Cancer Man – A Family Man
Apart from that, the Cancer man is very helpful and modest. You don't have to ask him for help for long, most of the time he offers it without asking. He deeply cares about the well-being of his fellow people, whether he knows them for a month or a decade doesn't matter at all.
It's only fitting that family is his number one priority. Especially with his mother, the Cancer man maintains a very special and intimate relationship, even in old age.

He Needs a Partner to Get His Ball Rolling
The right partner at his side should definitely have a thick skin. Because like the Cancer woman, the Cancer man can be moody and jealous. Otherwise, he is reserved and needs a woman by his side to get his ball rolling.
He has a hard time dealing with change, although it is essential to him. Only then, he can continue to grow and shed his protective armor from time to time.
everything about the Cancer
- Profession & Career
- Love & Partnership
- The Cancer Man
- The Cancer Woman
- Cancer Constellation
The Partners of Cancer
- Cancer & Aquarius
- Cancer & Pisces
- Cancer & Aries
- Cancer & Taurus
- Cancer & Gemini
- Cancer & Cancer
- Cancer & Leo
- Cancer & Virgo
- Cancer & Libra
- Cancer & Scorpio
- Cancer & Sagittarius
- Cancer & Capricorn
- Zodiac Sign Aquarius
- Zodiac Sign Pisces
- Zodiac Sign Aries
- Zodiac Sign Taurus
- Zodiac Sign Gemini
- Zodiac Sign Cancer
- Zodiac Sign Leo
- Zodiac Sign Virgo
- Zodiac Sign Libra
- Zodiac Sign Scorpio
- Zodiac Sign Sagittarius
- Zodiac Sign Capricorn